Monday, May 2, 2011

Is this what's hot in the streets?

I'm sure this has happened to plenty of people.  I refuse to believe I am the first.
I'm out drinking on the Day of Rest with my road dog Kiki. We're enjoying ourselves, sampling new libations, and catching each other up on our lives.

This kind of awkward guy* comes and sits next to me.  Small talk ensues.  He and his friend are chatting us up and I decide I'm interested.  I commence the giggling, and the questions we all ask when we first meet someone.  I return my focus to my homegirl and try to have one or two side conversations every now and then.  It goes well, I think.  As we start the whole "wow, look at the time, we've gotta go" game, I set the trap, expecting him to go "let me get your number so I can call you sometime".

No, no, no, my friends.  We live in a new society.  A post-phone call society.

This man asked if I was on facebook.

*pause for effect*

Really?!?! Is this where we are in 2011?  I told him my security settings were so tight (insert obscene joke here), he couldn't find me, but he should go ahead and request himself from my phone.  I hand over my beloved Crackberry and watch as this man enters his email address into my facebook search bar.  I think I heard the entire bar laugh at my situation.

He accepted my request later that evening (I guess that's the equivalent to waiting a few days after you get someone's number?) and we had the facebook chit chat.

I have to remind myself that he is a little awkward..I have to refine my approach.  Scale back some of this personality.

Who knows..maybe by next week we'll be poking each other (wink, wink).

*Note: I LOVE LOVE LOVE awkward guys.

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